Step 1
Split the key and the fob – If you look where the blue fob and black key meet then on the rear of the key (opposite side to the buttons) there is a little slot this is to put in aelectricians fat screwdriver and allows you to flick the blue fob out of the black key.
Step 2
Opening the key fob – This unit is made not to be opened so I’m afraid there is no pretty way of doing this BUT BE VERY CAREFULL NOT TO DAMAGE THE INSIDES!
This is very important – if you jam a screw driver in and pry off the other side then you will more then likely damage the circuit board. What we do is put the fob into a vice and carefully keep scoring it with a Stanley knife where the 2 parts meet until we cut through and this allow us to remove the undamaged circuit board.
Step 3
Replacing The battery – You Need a VL2330 Rechargeable battery with tails soldered on. These are available on line for around £8 and with the circuit board in your hand you can see where the battery solders on you need to un-solder this and re solder the new on in to place. This does take an element of skill and if you have never done this before then you wold be better taking this somewhere to be done. A CB radio supplier shop will usually do this for around £5 there is one near us called modern radio, which can be found HERE.
Step 4
You now need to replace the completed circuit board in to a new case these are available on eBay and Amazon for £2 if you search transit key fob shell it brings up loads of them. They come in 2 halves and need a little super glue to bond them together. We have found the locktite with the brush is the easiest you only need minimal glue and make sure none goes on the board.
Step 5
The easy part is to push the blue fob into the black key until you here a click and that’s it – you’re done!
Put your key in to your ignition for 10 minutes to charge the new battery with the van running to put a bit of charge in the new battery. Now you fob should be working as new. Fig that is not meant to be available at a cost of £10 as opposed to £128 – this is something that is not meant to be done and we have a very high success rate but if you do damage your fob then we hold no responsibility whatsoever.If you try this without our assistance then you need to take full liability for any damage.
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