If you lose your car key, you may have to replace it. How much will this cost you? Are there different costs for replacing a car key?
Losing your car keys can be incredibly frustrating, especially if you don’t know if they are temporarily lost or gone forever. At some point you have to accept defeat and replace the keys if you want to use your vehicle. If you don’t have a spare, you’ll have to get an entirely new set of keys made.
The car keys are damaged
A damaged car key will not function as it should. It’ll not start your car when you need it to.
Car keys can become damaged due to general wear and tear. They can also get damaged because they have been forced into a lock. If the pins’ positioning is altered, it’ll affect its ability to ignite your vehicle. You will need to replace that key.
Your car key may be lost or stolen
If your car key is stolen, you need to think of the security and safety of your vehicle. If someone has access to your car key, they will have access to your car.
That’s why it’s crucial to replace your vehicle key as soon as possible.
How Much Does it Cost to Replace a Car Key?
While many factors affect pricing, the cost of replacing a car key can range from $25 to $400. Some models require the service of a dealer to reprogram the vehicle’s computer module. It may lead to additional costs depending on where you live.
Here’s a breakdown of car key replacement costs depending on the type of car keys
Car Key with Transponder Chip
Many newer cars have transponder chips built into their keys. The transponder chip sends a code to your vehicle’s computer when you attempt to start the engine.
The computer cuts off the fuel if a suitable code isn’t received. It makes it impossible to start the car. A car key with transponder chip replacement cost starts from $120.
Switchblade Car Keys
Switchblade car keys have a unique design. It makes them easy to use while still having advanced security features.
With this type of key, press a button on top to pop out one end of the key. This way, it looks like a blade. If you want to replace switchblade car keys, be ready to part with $200 to $300.
Here is a summary of the replacement costs of these car keys.
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