

What should I do if my Nissan keyless entry system is not working correctly or intermittently?

What should I do if my Nissan keyless entry system is not working correctly or intermittently?

  • 2023-09-19

Nissan's keyless entry system is a remarkable feature that offers convenience and security. However, if you encounter issues with your Nissan keyless entry system not working correctly or intermittently, it can be frustrating. In this article, we will explore the common problems associated with keyless entry systems and provide troubleshooting steps to help you resolve them.

What should I do if my Nissan keyless entry system is not working correctly or intermittently?

1. Check the Key Fob Battery

The most common reason for keyless entry problems is a weak or dead battery in the key fob. To address this issue:

Locate the small indentation or slot on your key fob, usually near the keyring attachment.

Use a flathead screwdriver or a coin to gently pry open the key fob and access the battery.

Replace the battery with a new one, making sure it is properly oriented.

Reassemble the key fob and test if the keyless entry system functions correctly.

2. Verify the Key Fob's Range

Keyless entry systems have a limited range. If you are standing too far from your vehicle, the system may not work. Move closer to the vehicle and try again.

3. Check for Interference

Interference from other electronic devices or radio signals can disrupt the communication between your key fob and your Nissan. Try using the keyless entry system in an area with less interference, away from electronic devices or power lines.

4. Reprogram the Key Fob

If the keyless entry system continues to malfunction, reprogramming the key fob may resolve the issue. Refer to your Nissan owner's manual for specific instructions on how to reprogram the key fob. This typically involves pressing a combination of buttons on the key fob and in the vehicle.

5. Inspect the Vehicle's Receiver

If reprogramming the key fob doesn't work, there may be a problem with the receiver in your Nissan. In this case:

Contact an authorized Nissan dealership or a professional automotive technician to diagnose and repair the receiver.

6. Verify Keyless Entry Settings

Ensure that the keyless entry system settings in your Nissan are configured correctly. This includes setting the unlock and lock preferences, as well as any security features related to the keyless entry system.

7. Replace the Key Fob

If none of the above steps resolve the issue, it's possible that the key fob itself is faulty or damaged. Consider obtaining a replacement key fob from an authorized Nissan dealership.

8. Consult Professional Help

If troubleshooting steps do not yield a solution, it's advisable to seek professional assistance from an authorized Nissan technician. They have access to specialized diagnostic equipment and can identify and resolve more complex issues with the keyless entry system.


A malfunctioning keyless entry system can be frustrating, but with the right troubleshooting steps, you can often identify and resolve the problem. By checking the key fob battery, verifying range, addressing interference, reprogramming the key fob, and inspecting the vehicle's receiver, you can regain the convenience and security of your Nissan's keyless entry system. If all else fails, consulting a professional Nissan technician is the best course of action to ensure a comprehensive diagnosis and repair.


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